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A member registered Jun 19, 2017

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(1 edit)

:) Thanks for taking care of our suggestions.

I would like to add those that I've being thinking about since I did the first post and that you might like too:

  1. -some settings to add wind turbulences  !
  2. -make the drone crash if it falls from a big height on the belly (it seems to crash only if propellers are hitten).
  3. - some X/Y curves to fine tune the commands (my drone is similar to the settings I did, but more responsive on the first 10 percents and it would be great to increase the nervosity between zero and 10 percent and keep it like it is for the end, in my case) 
  4. -a way to save a respon point (by example there is a door that is really hard to get at high speed and I want to train with this door at high speed many times, if instead of restarting from scratch and redo everything, we could save a respon point to start from (including speed, position and orientation), that would allow to practice easily on very precise and custom things).

ps : for the full screen, I can't as I'm running under macOS



Here is a list of easy to medium change that would make this sim even greater :

-ability to make race laps in reverse direction.
-ability to modify settings without exiting the race (just with pause)
-ability to disable door and tree collision (make message in red instead like 'you would have crashed')
-more sexy main menu and interface & possibility to run non fullscreen (I'm often checking drone stuff on internet while doing sim)
-ability to modify door size and shape !
-simulate video quality receiver like on both versions
-possibility to save/load settings as a file

Congrats, this program is optimized and feel pretty good and this is great that it is multiplatform.
